
Moto Sasaki and Martti Kuoppa


Moto Sasaki and Martti Kuoppa

Original comment: "Learn something from Moto as well. That it's not always about first place. Sometimes you just gotta go for it, and make the difference that way. That was the major standout of the event for me."

Martti reflects on Moto's unforgettable final battle against Matthias Dandois for 3rd place in the Pro finals of Real City Spin 2015. Probably the biggest moment in flatland contest history, with some sage commentary by one of the top riders of all time.

Huge thanks to Jean-William Prevost for creating this unparalleled event! ‪I cannot sing enough praises to just how good this was. Take time off for next year's contest right now!

Follow me here and on Insta @jmk.films to see more.

Posted: 9 years ago

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