
The Decade Anthology Roundup


The Decade Anthology Roundup

Alright, if you are as much in love with Decades as Scott Powell then here is the ultimate collection ;-) Scott is posting a new variation every day which is insane and impressive at the same time. We don't know for how long this will continue, possible forever? However, it's time for a roundup:

- Double Bar-split to Perverted
- BB half bar-Opposite Backwards Decade
- BB half bar-Backwards Decade
- Decade to Bar-Split to Perverted
- Triple Wiper-Smith
- Double-back-Double
- Backside to Perverted Wiper
- Opposite Bar-split--Opposite Decade
- Opposite Decade--Opposite Perverted
- Triple Bar-Split Squeaks
- Opposite Bar-split--Decade
- Opposite Decade--Perverted
- Double Backside Decade
- Double 1-ft Perverted
- Backside--OPP Perverted
- Half Bar Split-Jump over-Perverted
- BB decade-un-Perverted
- Backside to Bar-Split
- Wiper-Opp Decade
- Brakeless Backside Decade
- DD squeak-stem decade
- Un-Decade

Posted: 7 years ago

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