
Yuki Itoh channel and Flat in Japanese TV


Yuki Itoh channel and Flat in Japanese TV

KOG Pro class rider Yuki Itoh emailed us today to inform us about his YouTube channel: yukipkoproject. Every now and then he´s posting videos of him and other Japanese riders there.
The latest update is a video of the KOG Round 2 and one of Yuki´s good friend Takuya Higa who is aiming for the KOG pro class.

We added Yuki´s channel to the Live Feed so you´ll find his updates there in the future.
Speaking of the Live Feed, if your website or video channel is missing there then drop us an email:

Last but not least we found a video of a Japanese TV show on Hiro´s website. We have no real clue what they are talking about but it´s always good to see Flatland in TV! Maybe some with Japanese skills can tell us what it´s about?

Posted: 55 years ago

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