
Videos: CFB Round 3, Voodoo and more


Videos: CFB Round 3, Voodoo and more

There are so many good web videos these days. Some should be mentioned before Flat Friday (sorry Effraim ;-)

First of all we have another video from Colombia. Itīs a highlight video of the Circuit de Flatland en Bogota Round 3. Good riding and editing - take a look: CFB Round 3.

George got all the Voodoo Jam pro final battles online. So donīt miss his Vimeo channel.

PsychoBMX just published a vid of the japanese YamatoCup.

If you are a little bit into filming then you have to see that amazing high quality edit by Konstantin Alemasov. The rider in the video is Konstantin Chermov from Russia.

Last but not least Deep BMX came up with a promo vid for their The Blitz frame. Waldemar is busting out ..

Posted: 55 years ago

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