Hiroya Morizaki - SPECIAL ELEMENT!!!

Source: Hiroya Morizaki
URL of the article: http://www.hiroyamorizaki.com/blog/?p=1479
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This is a computer-based translation of the original text:

Presents U2 SPECIAL ELEMENT! ! ! The really long street and flatland contest in conjunction! The contest this Raidingusesshon everyone in the contest rose after a long and very wide! Orix Buffaloes mascot emerged between left! The bitter melon was Omoro! Cheki with MC involving pat! See it Now! ! ! Well as you can see it (laughs) Slip on the condition of the venue was really stepped up here and there floating in the sand Yes concrete tiles. Everyone suffers a bit unfamiliar Demashita out. The sun is in the final dark thoughts I can not even decide to race each duly qualified in third place in the Nn in that! Everyone's body is chilled Run Battle 3 12-turn! Ino Tsuyoshi light flash comes just a bonus! This was done in flash ... I was in the landing point is not seen nothing決Marazu Teiruuippu the moment to fly into because they know too many photographers ... I was going to attack the offensive after a long ride was not too bad but could also see a disappointing but not least ... Well, just excuse yourself. But still dwarf瞑Tta決Metaru eyes (laughs) The results of each class felt Ttena Girls Kids Class 1st Eriko Ono 2nd Mai Nishikawa 3rd Miyuki Dezaki Low Class 1st Mai Nishikawa 2nd Kenshiro 3rd Lotion Middle Class 1st Taka · Gulliver 2nd Takuji Izumi 3rd Toshiaki Chiwata Open Class 1st Moto Sasaki 2nd Shinichi "Russia" Kiba 3rd Yasushi Tanabe SPECIAL ELEMENT closing ceremony after successfully done! Contest was fun again! Thank you for U2's main sponsor and each sponsor! ! ! Please also nice contest.

Original text:

U2プレゼンツSPECIAL ELEMENT!!! ホント久しぶりのflatlandとstreet合同でのコンテスト! 今回のコンテスト会場はとても広く久しぶりにみんなでライディングセッション&コンテストで盛り上がりました! あと合間に現れたオリックス・バファローズのマスコット! ゴーヤがオモローでした! MCチェキとの絡みもバッチリ! さぁご覧あれ!!! まぁご覧の通りです(笑) 会場のコンディションはコンクリートのタイルで所々段差が有り砂が浮いてて滑る感じでした。 みんな慣れないうちは少し苦しんでました。 そんな中順当に予選3位 んん 中々決めきれない思いを決勝へ でも日が沈み薄暗い中での決勝! 12人3ターンのバトル みんな体が冷え切ってのラン! おまけここぞとばかりに光量の強いフラッシュ! 俺はこのフラッシュにやられました… カメラマンも飛ぶ瞬間を知っているので入りのテイルウィップで着地地点が見えず何も決まらずでした… 久しぶりに攻め攻めのライディングをしようと思ってたのに何も見せれなかったのがとても残念でした… まぁ言い訳ばかりになりましたが腑甲斐無いのは自分自身。 目瞑ったままでも決めたるわい(笑) ってな感じで各クラスの結果 Girls Kids Class 1st Eriko Ono 2nd Mai Nishikawa 3rd Miyuki Dezaki Low Class 1st Mai Nishikawa 2nd Kenshiro 3rd Lotion Middle Class 1st Taka・Gulliver 2nd Takuji Izumi 3rd Toshiaki Chiwata Open Class 1st Moto Sasaki 2nd Shinichi”Russia”Kiba 3rd Yasushi Tanabe 閉会式を無事終えSPECIAL ELEMENT終了! 久しぶりに楽しいコンテストでした! メインスポンサーのU2並びに各スポンサー様どうもありがとうございました!!! また素敵なコンテストを開催して下さい。

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