Hiroya Morizaki - BBQ in the Tama River

Source: Hiroya Morizaki
URL of the article: http://www.hiroyamorizaki.com/blog/?p=961
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This is a computer-based translation of the original text:

Arrival day BBQ Futago Tamagawa 5 minutes walk from the nearest station to the new continent for the Tama River! Many people are already in the BBQ! Everyone can join the group'm finally brought the sound system! First up is the toast! We also burned the meat fast? Hey this is always nice to eat or drink under a sky full belly will start clearing sun Now feel the sun on every one of good local Setagaya park! 1:00 was really fun!

Original text:

この日BBQの為に多摩川へ 最寄り駅の二子新地駅から徒歩5分 多摩川到着! すでに沢山の人達がBBQ中! サウンドシステムを持ち込んでるグループも ようやくみんなと合流! 先ずは乾杯! お肉もどんどん焼けております! 今回は世田谷公園ローカルの面々で 日差しも良い感じ 日光浴ナウ お腹も一杯になり片付け開始 空の下で飲んだり食べたりっていいよねぇ! ホント楽しい一時でした!

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